Benefits of Combining Eyelid Surgeries

Eyelid Surgery, or Blepharoplasty, is an operation that targets the skin surrounding the eyelids and oftentimes into the extended regions of the eye regions. Below we look at the top benefits of combining eyelid surgeries.

Benefits of Combining Eyelid Surgeries

There are two major types of blepharoplasty. One targets the upper eyelids, while the other affects the lower eyelids.

Most patients come in seeking either one or the other with regard to these surgeries. However, the two can be effectively combined by a skillful plastic surgeon.

Considering undergoing quad blepharoplasty in Columbus? Then take a moment to read over this list of benefits that come with taking both kinds of blepharoplasty together.

Eyelid Surgery Basics

Eyelid surgery is oftentimes sought out because the eyes and their surrounding area are one of the first parts of the body that give in to aging and begin to display it in their features.

Additionally, eyelid surgery counteracts this phenomenon by injecting this part of the body with a rejuvenating makeover. A successful blepharoplasty tightens the skin and muscles around the eyelid area, ultimately taking years off of one’s appearance.

What type of blepharoplasty you choose to undergo will ultimately depend on what level of the eyes you wish to target. By taking both on, you’ll find yourself with a total makeover of the eye region of the face.

A Total Transformation

Choosing to undergo both upper and lower blepharoplasty at once can totally transform the areas of the face surrounding the eyes. Given this, patients often find that the results can be quite stunning.

When both kinds of blepharoplasties are performed in unison, it is referred to as a quadruple blepharoplasty. This refers to the fact that all four eyelids of the face are operated on.

Increase Your Chances of Satisfaction

When all of the eyelids of the face are operated on at once, it allows the surgeon to treat the procedure as a single cohesive unit. This can help them with several elements of the surgical process. Factors include creating higher levels of symmetry and other desirable surgical elements.

When the surgeon has an increased sense of concentration, it means that the patient’s chances of being satisfied by the ultimate results increase significantly.

Additionally, allowing the physician time to focus on all four eyelids as a single unit can create an extremely cohesive set of results. Ultimately, it can prevent having to return to adjust elements of the operation.

Save Time and Money

Another advantage of combining eyelid surgeries is that it can ultimately end up saving you time and money in the long run.

Combining surgeries obviously can save time by consolidating the time you would spend on two different surgeries into one convenient operation.

Because of this, you’ll ultimately end up using far less of the costly resources that end up making surgeries so expensive.

This includes things like anesthetic, hospital staff, and total surgical time.

One Recovery Period

Another thing that can make a combined surgery so convenient is that you’ll only have to go through one recovery period.

Recovery periods in regard to surgery can be very stressful. Namely, one must arrange for time off of work, child and pet care, and transportation to and from the clinic.

By combining your surgeries into one operation, you’ll likely find that the amount of time that you spend in recovery is significantly lessened. Overall, this should be quite beneficial in terms of your quality of life post-surgery.

See If Combined Surgery Will Work For You

Most patients who are sound of health should ultimately qualify for combined eyelid surgery. However, the procedure is more intense than simply undergoing upper or lower blepharoplasty alone. So you will have to ask your physician specifically if you qualify for the combined procedure.

Some patients who suffer from chronic health issues that affect the heart and lungs may ultimately find that they do not qualify for this type of surgery. This can all be discussed in your pre-surgical consultation.

Schedule a Pre-Surgical Consultation

Your pre-surgical consultation is your opportunity to field any concerns that you might have regarding your operation with your physician.

In addition, things like your personal and familial medical history will be reviewed, as well as your history of surgeries.

Overall, it’s prime time to overview all the relevant information regarding your procedure.

The Columbus Eyelid Surgery Experts

Columbus Eyelid and its team of expert surgeons offer the best eyelid surgery near you in Columbus. Considering undergoing combined blepharoplasty? Then consider taking a visit to our website today in order to schedule a consultation.

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