What to Expect of the Recovery Process from Blepharoplasty

If you are struggling with sagging, drooping, or excessive wrinkles in your eyelids, you are the perfect candidate for eyelid surgery. Blepharoplasty is a specialized procedure that treats symptoms of bagginess and drooping skin. You may desire to fix your wrinkled upper lids or reduce the puffy look underneath your eyes. Either way, knowing what to expect from the recovery process from blepharoplasty can help you better prepare.

Today, your oculoplastic surgeon in Columbus will highlight important expectations from your first consultation to your entire recovery process. Blepharoplasty is highly tailored to your needs, so you will be given a fully personalized experience from start to finish. This article acts as a framework so you can familiarize yourself with the process.

Your Blepharoplasty Procedure

Whether your primary concern is combating the signs of aging by getting rid of wrinkles, or you want to cure ptosis by getting rid of skin that sags in front of your eyes, you can find a suitable type of eyelid surgery to suit your needs. There are two major types of blepharoplasty, including:

Lower Blepharoplasty

Lower blepharoplasty is designed to address the signs of aging on and around your lower eyelids. The surgery offers rejuvenation by smoothing out wrinkles, getting rid of stubborn fat pockets, and revitalizing dry or thinning skin. This procedure uses many different restorative techniques to bring health and strength to your appearance.

Upper Blepharoplasty

Another standard blepharoplasty method is upper blepharoplasty. This upper eyelid surgery can reduce severe wrinkles and sags that cause your upper eyelids to droop. If you leave your eyelids drooping for too long, they can obscure your vision. Some of our patients have struggled with such severe eyelid drooping that they start to droop below the eye.

A lot of patients opt for a recommended combined blepharoplasty procedure, which addresses problems with the upper and lower eyelids all at once. This procedure is known as a quad blepharoplasty. It is a good idea if you are looking to treat several symptoms at once.

Recovering from Blepharoplasty Surgery

Whether you ultimately decide to go for upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, or a combination of the two, you need to know what to expect going in. Your surgeon will prep you ahead of time by giving you a list of dos and don’ts. For example, you might be asked not to eat for twelve hours before your procedure if you are using general anesthesia. You might also be told to refrain from using face products and makeup until after you are fully healed.

Waking Up From Surgery

When you first wake up, you might feel out of focus. Anesthesia can make you groggy, but the effect should wear off quickly. Your eyes will experience some pain and swelling for the first few days. Over-the-counter medicines or prescribed painkillers can alleviate pain. After a week of rest and recovery, your swelling should be gone.

Weeks and Months Following Surgery

Healing happens from the outside in. While you may look fully healed on the outside, the inner layers of your skin and muscles may still be tender and sensitive. Try to refrain from strenuous activities for a few weeks following your in-office procedure. You should also avoid direct sunlight, wear plenty of sunscreen, and wear sunglasses when you go outside.

How Long Does it Take to Heal?

Many patients who get upper or lower blepharoplasty feel comfortable returning to their everyday lives and routines after about two weeks. The healing process will continue for a few months, so it is best to take it easy for as long as possible.

After a few months, you will have a beautiful new look. You can look forward to shapely symmetry and a rejuvenated outlook for many years to come. In fact, many blepharoplasty results can last for life.

Schedule Your Blepharoplasty Today!

At Columbus Eyelid, we prioritize your safety while promising to deliver cutting-edge results. Our next-generation eyelid procedures offer sustainable support, giving you results that you can hold on to for many more significant years. Through our detailed and customizable care plans, you can experience a streamlined surgery and a comfortable recovery process.

Reach out to our experts in person or online to find out whether you are a good candidate for lower or upper blepharoplasty. Schedule a consultation to learn how our expert methods can rejuvenate your entire appearance from the inside out. It is time to prioritize yourself!

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725 Buckles Ct. N, Suite 110
Columbus, OH 43230

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