The Growing Popularity of Double Eyelid Surgery

The way you feel about your appearance can impact your confidence. For many people, their eyes are the most common area of concern when it comes to their facial aesthetic. This is because your eyes are often the first feature people see when they look at you. Eyelid surgery has become a common procedure to enhance and improve the appearance of one’s eyes. Consider the growing popularity of double eyelid surgery and why it is right for you.

The Growing Popularity of Double Eyelid Surgery

Double eyelid surgery has been common since the 1950s, but it has become one of the most popular procedures modernly. More than 1.4 million double eyelid surgeries were performed in just one year, as many people are interested in enhancing the look of their eyes. The procedure not only opens and brightens the look of your eyes, but it also transforms your entire face.

Double eyelid surgery enhances and alters the appearance of your eyes without leaving visible scars. It can add an extra element of dimension to your eyes by creating a visible eyelid fold. It can be performed on both of your eyes, or just one if you have symmetry issues. The procedure is safe and effective, which is why it has become so popular among patients.

Benefits of Double Eyelid Surgery

Patients considering double eyelid surgery should manage their expectations and understand the impact of the procedure. Consider the following benefits of double eyelid surgery.

  • Youthful Appearance: The effects of natural aging and certain eye shapes can make you look tired and much older than you are. Double eyelid surgery in Columbus can reveal a more awake and rested appearance as it opens up your eyes and enhances their shape.
  • Improved Shape: The shape of your eyelids can impact your appearance, in addition to what makeup techniques you can use. Double eyelid surgery creates an eyelid fold that allows your lid to shine through. This shape can enhance the look of your eyes and your overall aesthetic.
  • Confidence Boost: Feeling confident about your appearance can improve your self-confidence. Many people who are unhappy with their appearance often avoid certain opportunities, which can be detrimental to their personal and professional life. Double eyelid surgery can address any issues you have with the appearance of your eyes, leaving you more confident than ever.

Candidates for Double Eyelid Surgery

Before you can move forward with the procedure, it’s important to schedule a consultation with a skilled eyelid surgeon. The consultation is a great time to share your expectations about the procedure. Your surgeon will perform a physical examination of your eyes, consider your medical history, and your current health to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Candidates should be in good health overall, non-smokers, and have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. Additionally, Asian blepharoplasty in Columbus is beneficial for those with monolids. Monolids are marked by a lack of a crease over one’s eyelids. Therefore, patients interested in double eyelid surgery include those who have a monolid and would like to enhance the appearance of their eyes with an eyelid crease.

Eyelid Surgery in Columbus

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyes, consider eyelid surgery. Eyelid surgery can address your concerns and improve the shape and appearance of your eyes. The team at CK Eyelid Plastic Surgery have performed countless eyelid procedures that have provided patients with a more youthful appearance. They are experts in oculoplastic surgery and are committed to helping you achieve your desired aesthetic. Contact their office today to schedule a consultation!

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