How Old Do I Need to Be for Asian Blepharoplasty?

Plastic surgery has always supported the harmonious blending of outer beauty and inner self-confidence. One of the most popular cosmetic procedures on the planet is known as blepharoplasty, which describes several different techniques to reshape and rejuvenate the eyelids. Upper eyelid lifts can prevent sagging and drooping, while lower lid lifts are designed to get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes. The type of blepharoplasty you need will depend on your anatomy, your features, and your overall physical goals. So, how old do I need to be for Asian blepharoplasty?

How Old Do I Need to Be for Asian Blepharoplasty?

Columbus Eyelid offers another special technique for mono-lidded patients. This procedure is commonly referred to as Asian eyelid surgery, and it is a good recommendation for patients who want to add another crease to the top of their eyelids, making their eyes appear more full. One of the most common questions we receive is, “How old do I need to be for an Asian blepharoplasty?” We are going to answer this question by talking about the necessary specifics of the procedure.

About Asian Blepharoplasty

When one of our patients shows interest in an Asian blepharoplasty, they are usually given a choice between one of many incision types. Our two most popular incisions include a full incision, which creates a big crease but may leave behind a visible scar, and a partial incision, which uses sutures to lift the lids and offers minimal to no scarring. The type of incision that will work best for you will largely depend on whether you are looking to dramatically change your look, or you are excited about making a few small and subtle changes to your appearance.

How Old Do Patients Need to Be?

Almost every type of plastic surgery requires that patients be at least 18 years old before they can become good candidates for the procedure. There may be exceptions in times of extreme injury or in another pressing situation, but most patients have reached adulthood by the time they pursue cosmetic treatments.

With other types of eyelid surgeries, patients are usually older adults who have experienced the signs of aging and want to remove sagging skin and pockets of fat. Asian eyelid surgeries, or double eyelid lifts, are somewhat different procedures, looking to add creases and volume rather than removing them. For this reason, the age limit is fairly relaxed. The average patient is usually between 18 and 45 years of age.

How Recovery Works

Another big question that a lot of patients ask us is how long the recovery timeline is expected to take. Since every face is completely unique, and the types of incisions may vary, it can be difficult to predict how long you will be in recovery before the process begins. However, the average patient will usually experience swelling and pain for about a week following the in-office operation.

After a few weeks, patients are allowed to return to work or school and resume a normal schedule. There are some post-op instructions given to you by your surgeon that you will want to closely follow, as this will speed up your healing and prevent any risk factors from developing during the healing period. If you have opted for a partial incision rather than a full incision, you may heal even faster due to the nature of the sutures.

Creating the Look You Want

An Asian blepharoplasty is one of the most unique and flexible types of procedures we offer at Columbus Eyelid because the patient has total control over the final look. While many are afraid that this incision will make them look Caucasian, we assure everyone that this procedure is meant to add a touch of personal beauty to the face without erasing any part of their heritage or ethnicity.

It is understandable to be hesitant about a procedure that can change the shape and volume of your eyes, which in turn may add a new type of shape to your entire face. That is why we allow deep customization options so that patients can be satisfied with a procedure that works in alignment with their goals.

Schedule Your Asian Eyelid Surgery Appointment Today

The beauty of eyelid surgery is the ability to bring out your most unique features, uplifting your cosmetic profile so you can feel happier and more confident. Our Asian blepharoplasty procedures are designed to add more depth and volume to your face by inserting a crease above your eyes. If you want to learn more about how you can take advantage of this smooth and fast-acting process, get in touch with our Columbus Eyelid experts today.

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