Most Common Eyelid Surgeries

What are the most common eyelid surgeries? Although this might not immediately come to mind, the eyelids and their surrounding areas are some of the most common areas that individuals come in seeking assistance with plastic surgery.

Whether it’s for aesthetic or medical reasons, a plethora of different types of eyelid surgeries have developed to address common eye issues. Knowing the difference between these procedures can help you determine which type of procedure might be right for you.

Most Common Eyelid Surgeries

The most common and popular type of eyelid surgery is known as blepharoplasty. If you’re interested in receiving some type of eyelid trauma surgery, take a look at this overview of some of the most common types that patients request.

Lower Blepharoplasty

Lower blepharoplasty is a type of eyelid surgery that aims to repair and modify elements of the lower eyelids. Many conditions can impact this section of the eyes, including general sagginess and droopiness of the eyelids.

A lower blepharoplasty attempts to remove the excess muscle, fat and skin that might contribute to aesthetic and medical dissatisfaction of the eyelids.

Upper Blepharoplasty

As the name suggests, an upper blepharoplasty is the contrary companion to a lower blepharoplasty. It includes a removal of the excess skin and fat surrounding the upper eyelids. In the case of the upper eyelids, certain medical conditions such as ptosis can interfere with an individual’s ability to function in day-to-day living.

Entropion Repair

Entropion is a condition where the eyelid rolls toward the eye. It is most commonly a byproduct of advancing age and the weakening of various eyelid muscles. As the turned-in eyelid irritates the eye, it can cause high amounts of irritation and other ailments. This condition can lead to acute sensitivity to light and can lead to eye infections and other conditions that can cause you problems down the line.

Ectropion Repair

Ectropion is a type of condition in which the lower eyelid begins to roll out from the central part of the eye. As the lower eyelid is sagging, it can leave the eye exposed and dry. As the ectropion persists, it can lead to a number of chronic health conditions that can be quite troublesome as they go on. This includes irritation, pain, crusting, discharge and other issues.

Growth and Tumor Removal

The eyelid skin is a very sensitive part of the body. As a result, it can be one of the first areas of the body that can show some of the damage from the general wear and tear of daily living. In fact, skin cancer on the eyelids is a relatively common condition. In addition, various growths and tumors can develop on the eyelids quite easily, cancerous or not.

Any growth or tumor on the eyelids, whether benign or malignant, should be investigated with the utmost scrutiny. A biopsy will confirm or deny the presence of a cancerous tumor.

Orbital Surgery

Orbital surgery is the name given to a set of procedures that are intended to repair the damage incurred through eye disorders, tumors, and the various forms of physical trauma that can be damaging to the eye. Also, orbital surgery is closely related to other medical procedures and processions, including dermatology, various plastic surgery procedures, and neurosurgery.

The eyes are closely related to the nervous system, and reconstructing them from traumatic damage can be a delicate procedure. This should be left in the hands of a skilled physician who understands the balance at hand.

Ptosis Repair

Ptosis is a condition where the upper eyelids begin to droop and sag over the eyes. This blocks and obstructs the patient’s ability to operate in day-to-day life. Upper blepharoplasty is one procedure that can help to repair this type of procedure. Ptosis repair is another surgery that can resolve these issues.

A particular ptosis surgery can help resolve ptosis in a patient while preserving the other elements of the eyelid area. This can be quite valuable, depending on the exact condition of the eyes and the patient’s aesthetic and medical goals. This will be discussed prior to any medical work being done.

The Best Oculoplastic Surgeon in Ohio

Columbus Eyelid is one of the best options available for patients who are interested in receiving top-quality surgeries to alter aspects of their eyelids and the surrounding areas from an oculoplastic surgeon in Columbus. If you’re interested in discussing your options in this regard, visit our website and set up an appointment.

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