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Does Revision Eyelid Surgery Cost More? 

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Revision eyelid surgery might be necessary if you are unsatisfied with the results of your first corrective eyelid procedure. Or, you might be someone who has had a physical injury or who has been changed by the signs of aging. No matter your reason for eyelid surgery, you are probably asking yourself a lot of … Read more

Is Ptosis Hereditary?

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Ptosis is a disorder characterized by drooping and sagging upper eyelids. Numerous factors can cause this to occur, and in severe situations, it may even impair vision and cause daily difficulties. So, is ptosis hereditary? If this starts to happen, you will need eyelid surgery to get your eyesight back to normal and lessen the … Read more

5 Signs You Need Revision Eyelid Surgery

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As a popular and highly customizable cosmetic repair option, eyelid surgery offers a second chance at youth. Many patients pursue this treatment to lift sagging eyelids, remove deep wrinkles, and reshape the skin around the eyes. This can result in a pleasing appearance that will inspire confidence and good health for many years. Below, we … Read more

What Are the Types of Eyelid Ptosis?

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If you are dealing with drooping eyelids, sagging skin, or deep wrinkles around your eyes, ptosis surgery in Ohio might seem like your only viable option. In order to prevent drooping lids from changing your appearance or blocking your vision. If you do not seek treatment right away, this condition can worsen over time. Below, … Read more

Why Are Brow Lifts Popular Among Millennials?

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Plastic surgery procedures like brow lifts, facelifts, and other treatments designed to rejuvenate the skin are typically sought after by aging patients. Anyone struggling with the appearance of wrinkles or sagging skin might want to enhance their brows with a simple treatment. However, there is a rising trend among younger people to also seek out … Read more

How Old Do I Need to Be for Asian Blepharoplasty?

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Plastic surgery has always supported the harmonious blending of outer beauty and inner self-confidence. One of the most popular cosmetic procedures on the planet is known as blepharoplasty, which describes several different techniques to reshape and rejuvenate the eyelids. Upper eyelid lifts can prevent sagging and drooping, while lower lid lifts are designed to get … Read more

Common Causes of Under-Eye Swelling

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There are many factors in everyday life that can put extra amounts of stress, fatigue, and illness on your body. If you are feeling more tired than usual lately, the odds are that you look more tired, too. Under-eye swelling is one of the biggest signs that something is wrong, and you may want to … Read more

How Eyelid Surgery Makes You Look Younger

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Below, we cover how eyelid surgery makes you look younger. Eyelid surgery is a type of surgery that directs its efforts towards altering a patient’s eyelids in order to correct aesthetic or medical malfunctions present in this part of the face. How Eyelid Surgery Makes You Look Younger When performed correctly, an eyelid surgery can … Read more

How Men Can Benefit from Eyelid Surgery

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Many plastic surgery operations that are commonly well-known are typically thought of as being of benefit to women. However, there are several operations that are of great benefit to both men and women. Below we look at how men can benefit from eyelid surgery. How Men Can Benefit from Eyelid Surgery One example of such … Read more

Benefits of Combining Eyelid Surgeries

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Eyelid Surgery, or Blepharoplasty, is an operation that targets the skin surrounding the eyelids and oftentimes into the extended regions of the eye regions. Below we look at the top benefits of combining eyelid surgeries. Benefits of Combining Eyelid Surgeries There are two major types of blepharoplasty. One targets the upper eyelids, while the other … Read more

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725 Buckles Ct. N, Suite 110
Columbus, OH 43230

Phone : 380-333-5433
Fax     : 380-223-5031
E-mail : info@columbuseyelid.com

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Office Hours:

Monday: 8:30 AM – 4 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM – 4 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 4 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM – 4 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM – 4 PM